
Install via pip

To install the latest stable release, run the following:

$ pip install waliki

By default, Waliki uses reStructuredText as its markup, so docutils and other required dependencies are retrieved. If you prefer a Markdown only wiki, install it as it follows:

$ pip install waliki[markdown]

Alternatively, if you want to install every dependency, use:

$ pip install waliki[all]

Configure settings.INSTALLED_APPS

Add waliki and optional plugins to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    'waliki.git'   # optional


To enable waliki.git you need Git installed in your system. In Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Sync database

Although Waliki stores page content as flat files, it uses a model to store page titles, slugs and other fields.

Create this model table using:

$ python syncdb

Include url patterns

Include the waliki urls in your project For example:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^wiki/', include('waliki.urls')),

Waliki will handle the inclusion of installed plugins urls automatically.